Follow These Steps To Finding The Ultimate Painting Company

Follow These Steps To Finding The Ultimate Painting Company

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How to Find the Good Painting Company Instead of the Bad
Search engines are one of the greatest tools ever invented for researching local contractors. They allow you to quickly find information about painters.

A good painting company will have a pool of verifiable references for past jobs. This allows them to showcase the quality of their work and provide you with an estimate for your project.

Check the BBB
Look for a painting company that provides you with a pool of referrals from past clients. Talk with these people and find out if the painters were respectful of their belongings and space, friendly, professional and on time. In addition, ask how well the painters prepared the area before painting (covered landscaping, cars and outdoor furniture for exterior jobs, covered carpets and couches for interior work), did they keep to the estimated timeline and did they clean up their mess at the end of each day?

Also, ask if the painters are dedicated in-house employees or sub-contractors. Dedicated employees cost the painting company more to pay for withholding taxes, ensure safety compliance, train thoroughly, and process payroll; however they are in a much better position to stay on task and complete your project to the highest standards. Then you can rest easy knowing your painter is fully insured with liability and workers compensation insurance should something go wrong while they are working on your house.

Check Online Reviews
A simple online search can provide a bird’s-eye view of a painting company’s merit. However, to really get a feel for the quality and reliability of a painter, you’ll want to read reviews in detail. You’ll also want to watch for certain red flags that may indicate fake reviews.

For example, if a painting company has multiple reviews that all sound the same, or include vague phrases such as “amazing”, it’s likely not valid feedback. The same goes for highly negative reviews, as they may be indicative of a dishonest company trying to mislead customers.

Additionally, you’ll want to check how a painting company responds to bad feedback. A positive, proactive response can be a great indicator of how a painter will treat their customers in the future.

Check References
It’s important that painting contractors can provide you with a pool of local customer references. If they’re hesitant to give you a list of past clients, that’s a red flag. Examine those references closely, especially the prep work they did (that’s often where the painters cut corners).

Make sure that the painter is offering a warranty on their work. A reputable contractor will be able to provide you with a warranty that covers BOTH labor AND materials should areas of the paint job fail within 6-8 years.

The best way to find the right painting company is through word of mouth. Contact friends and family who have recently had their home painted, and see if they would recommend the contractor. They can tell you about their experience, including whether the company finished on time and how well the job held up over time. You can also look for reviews online to get an idea of what to expect from the painter you’re considering.

Ask Questions
Most professional painters will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about their company, from insurance coverage to paint color. This is because they understand that you’re trusting them with your largest investment, and they want to ensure that you feel comfortable with their work.

You should also ask the painting contractor about their crew. Are they employees or subcontractors? Companies that use subcontractors usually do not have efficient management systems in place, which can lead to miscommunication and slow project progress. Employee-based companies typically have a manager on site during the entire job to ensure that the project runs smoothly and efficiently.

In addition, an employee-based company will pay taxes, withhold payroll, ensure safety compliance and provide benefits for their crew. These are all expenses that must be included in the price estimate of best neutral paint color for the whole house a painting project. These costs can make a big difference in the overall cost of the project.